Sunday, November 29, 2009


Today, at approximately 11:00 P.M. CST, I crossed the 50,000 word finish line for the fourth year in a row, thus completing another successful year of National Novel Writing Month and proving to myself that I can do anything if I set my mind to it. Even with the pressure of my freshman fall semester, I managed to set a goal and see it through, and the feeling never gets old. Despite all my planning before November this year, I still had quite a rough time of it in the middle, but I think if I had not done the preparation I had, I might not have made it this year. Still, I managed to pull ahead from behind and even finish a day early.

Some people will never understand why we sign up for this crazy, month-long endeavor we affectionately call "NaNo," and as my dad said just this morning "writing 50,000 words just sounds like torture to me." And it can be! Even to me at times. But the thing that keeps me coming back is the feeling of satisfaction knowing that I made the decision to allow myself to dream and set a challenging goal, and not only to set that goal, but to put in the effort of achieving it, no matter what. It's my goal to actually publish a novel one day, and even though my four NaNo manuscripts are piles of rubbish right now, I can say that I have written four books, and having completed the latest one has inspired me to pursue editing and completing the others.

Right now, I'm content with the 50,048 words I have written, and my poor mind and hands are begging for a respite. I may let my Muse have a little bit of a vacation, but it's going back to work soon to get started on revising. For now, though, I'm going to put off writing about my great Thanksgiving break and simply bask in the glow of my glorious purple winner bar.

Victory - Bond

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