Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer is Here

This morning, I got up at around 9:45 (yay for sleeping in on summer vacation!) and promptly discovered that our water is turned off. It is now two hours later, and I still haven't been able to take a shower yet. Apparently, our neighbor down the street has a pipe that broke, and so the city has shut off the water for our street while they repair it. Fortunately, they have responded fairly promptly, and as I'm writing this, they are outside digging up the road and repairing the broken line.

Anyway, despite this interesting start to summer vacation, it has presented me with a prompt already, as the first thing I thought after trying to turn the water on was "What if... an entire city's water supply dried up just before the summer and it's not a matter of WILL they turn the water back on but CAN they?" (a scary thought for a native Texan who has lived through 17 searing summers here).

Anyway, I'm grateful for this sign that my Muse is still alive (haven't heard from her in a while) since I'm hoping to really get going with a writing discipline now that I'm out of school. Hopefully, that bar down there will start doing something.

And on a side note, while I've been waiting for the water to come back on, I happened to run across the French Open on TV. It was more that it's in Paris than that I'm a huge tennis fan that caught my eye, but I actually played tennis several summers ago and forgot how fun it was. It made me laugh when the audience did the wave, or as the French might call it "la vague."

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