Monday, June 29, 2009

Summer Time, When the Livin' is Easy

Cover of "The Art of Conversation: A Guid...

Today, I was finally able to go out with a friend for coffee and just catch up, not having seen each other for the past month. I was recently inspired to have a face-to-face encounter instead of merely updating her via Facebook by the book The Art of Conversation by Catherine Blyth, which I happened across at the library where I work.

Speaking of the library, after a short, four-day stint working a truly unpleasant job in a warehouse sorting laptop parts for nine hours a day, I was fortunate enough to regain my old job at the library where I've worked off and on for the last three years to pay for my Europe trip. My coworkers were all very happy to have me back, and it was good to be back where I knew everyone and how things run there. I also discovered something important about myself in that I am willing to work for less pay if it means a happier environment that is more fulfilling, and I do have the strength to change my situation instead of passively letting life take me where it will.

Summer is passing by much too quickly (it's already practically July!) and unfortunately, I have gotten no writing done at all. But that's my own fault for being lazy and setting no goals. The only positive thing I can say in regards to that is that I have almost finished drawing the map for one of the story ideas floating around in my head, but as far as nailing down a real plot for any of them? That's still gotta happen, and hopefully soon.

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