Saturday, July 4, 2009

God Bless America

A Fourth of July fireworks display at the Wash...

Today, I got up later than I had planned, although I still had enough time to get to FourthFest in time to help with the library's booth there. I'd never been to Wells Branch's annual Independence Day celebration, and I was shocked when I turned onto the street to find it practically blocked with cars parked along the curbs for nearly a block from the park and spilling into side streets on top of that! As crowded as it was, one of the ladies selling food there mentioned that it was "fairly tame" compared to previous years.

I spent the next two hours helping with the information/craft table we had set up (mercifully in the air conditioned community center, even if it had little traffic compared to the rest of the park).

As hot as it was, when I went home, I couldn't help but reflect on what a beautiful summer day it was to celebrate something as precious as freedom and what a beautiful country we live in. I won't speak for everyone, but I realize that I often take our liberty for granted, and I was truly grateful for the security I enjoy to worship, work, and play without fear of starvation, armed militia invading my community and home, lethal diseases, and a myriad of other fears that plague most of the rest of the world.

As I have watched my country steadily decline over the past couple of years, financially and in regards to the integrity of its political system, I have often wondered where this nation will be fifty, twenty, ten, even five years down the road. As many problems as she may have, though, America has proven herself to be a great nation in the past- and I still believe she is- and I hope she will continue to show and share that greatness and grace with which God has so blessed her with the rest of the world.
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