Sunday, June 15, 2008


I have never been one for keeping journals, which is amusing because I love writing so much. Recently, though, I have been considering keeping just such a journal to chronicle my forays into the world of creative writing as well as the activities that comprise my everyday life. Especially now that I am a senior, it would do me well to record this last year in a huge chapter of my life.

My very good friend, Patrick, just began blogging with some very touching entries, and his example was the kick in the pants I needed to try my hand at another form of writing.

Here, you will find my daily progress in my personal creative writing endeavors, as well as hopefully gaining some insight into my life. There is not much here at the moment, but I hope you will find it unfold into a book that calls you back again and again. For now, though, welcome, and enjoy your stay...

1 comment:

  1. EDDDIE!
    so this is awesome.
    blog-buds totally kick butt!
    ha, no, not really, but it's great to write differently every now and then. I have come to appreciate journaling greatly this year. It's not just writing, it's an art in a way, allowing you to completely open yourself up, and empty your heart. It's contents never cease to amaze or inspire somebody. Every heart vibrates to that iron string.
