Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Milestones, Insurance, and Roadkill

So, today I had a terrible time starting my writing for the day, but I pushed through no matter what, and fortunately, when you do this, it breaks whatever was blocking you. I found that as I wrote, the story came along. I think the problem was that I did not have a good starting point, but I knew what happened after that.

As you can see, I made it to 90,000 words today. I should reach the 100K mark soon, though I suspect the wordcount will go over that. After that, I will let it sit for a while before trying to edit it, and in the meantime, I will begin planning my NaNo novel for this November. I already have an idea, I just need to develop it.

On another note, I was reading about different insurance information, and I learned today that if you lend your friend your car, and he is not insured and he gets in an accident, your insurance will pay for it if he is at fault. The basic line is
Auto Insurance = Covers Vehicle, regardless of driver.
Tickets = Driver related only, regardless of the vehicle.

So if you were ever wondering whether to lend your car out, you can keep that in mind. You can read the full article here.

And lastly, on a bit of a macabre note, I just took the dog out for a walk, and we discovered a vulture eating the half-eaten and mutilated remains of a poor squirrel right outside our front yard. I know there is a story in this somewhere...

Oh, I was supposed to tell you about my book this time. I promise my next post will.


  1. hahaha that last little number made me crack up! the most-random-blog-ever award goes to EDDIE!

  2. yeah, i just wrote some about it... you'll see.

  3. that's the funny thing... Kony for so long made it clear that the only ones who he trusted to be inbetween him and the ICC with the the peace talks was the Church. Now he has suddenly turned and targeted the church. The archbishop is very much confused about what made him change is mind like that. The Church was the only leverage there, and now it's gone..
