Sunday, January 4, 2009

A New Start

So, I know it's a bit late, but Happy New Year. I haven't been terribly busy over this Christmas break (well, I suppose that means that I wasn't stressed out too much), although I was quite occupied with working at the library for two weeks.

Right now, I am writing this from my bedroom on the computer that is normally in the front living room of our house. It's up here right now because all of the furniture in that room has been moved out so that the next stage of our home renovation can commence, and the rest of the upstairs and living room are in a rather sorry state of disarray. I did clean my desk off though, which was in need of a major dusting.

Unfortunately, that is the only major accomplishment I've achieved this whole break, which leaves me feeling a little bit guilty for not having been more productive. I was surprisingly lax in keeping up with my usual pursuits. The other day, I listened to French radio for the first time in about half a month, and I realised just how much I missed hearing it. I have a piano lesson on Tuesday for which I have probably practiced three or four times, but it's not a big deal since I've only got about two songs on the list right now anyway.

On the writing front, I am trying to begin editing my manuscript for The Shards of the Storm, but I am still waiting on the printer to run out of ink so I can print it... I'm not happy because I'm already practically five days behind and I'm tired of waiting Mom to use up the ink. Anyway, I achieved my resolution last year of finishing the first draft by the end of the year, and this year, I plan on finishing revising the first draft at least one time through. I am a little bit afraid that the idea is losing it's shiny appeal, but I think that no matter what happens to this manuscript, it was my first real story that I have ever seen through to completion, so it will always hold a special place in my heart.

However, I need to begin working on fresh new things besides in the month of November, so I have joined the 2YN (Two Year Novel) course that Zette annually offers at FM. I tried doing it two years ago with an idea that I almost used for NaNo last year, but since I haven't done anything with it, I think I'm going to try to reuse it and develop it this time around. We'll see how it goes, but I'm going to stick it out as long as I can this time.

I hope you have a wonderful 2009 and that you reach all the goals you have set for yourself.

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